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A Rare and Near Fine copy of the 1935  First Edition and one of only 37 Copies of the First State. Reportedly 500 copies of the First Issue were printed, all but 37 were withdrawn by the printer because they were unhappy with aspects of the typography and withdrew it from distribution. This one features the "A" on the copyright page, and nine words on the second to last line on page 7; "Twas Sunday and Square Hale was dressed for meeting." Limitation page remains unnumbered and is one of just 67 of 500 original copies stamped "English" under the words 'Copy Number'. ( Crane A20). From the library of Amy B. Robinson of Holyoke, Ma. with her signature to front flyleaf. Small crease to the lower spine tip. 

Robert Frost, The Gold Hesperidee, Rare 1935 1st State, 1 of Just 37 Copies

SKU: 671253175371
  • The Gold Hesperidee was published as a single poem here for the first time, though previously published in 1921 in the magazine Farm and Fireside and was never collected in Frost's published works. 

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